How to Develop a Pill Reminder and Medication Tracker Mobile App?

Updated 28 Jul 2023
Published 28 Jul 2023
Satyam Chaturvedi 2863 Views
Pill Reminder & Medication Tracker Mobile App

In today’s fast-paced world, staying on top of our health and well-being is more crucial than ever. For many individuals managing chronic diseases or taking several prescriptions, remembering to take tablets at the appropriate time can be challenging.

Fortunately, the advancement of mobile app technology has paved the way for effective healthcare management solutions by developing a medication management app.

Pill reminder and daily medication tracker app smartphone applications have grown as vital tools to assist consumers in sticking to their suggested medication regimes and maintaining optimal health.

Understanding the usefulness of such mhealth app development goes beyond simply convenience; it directly contributes to boosting patient outcomes and minimizing medication mistakes. Studies have proven medication non-adherence can lead to profound health implications and exorbitant healthcare costs. To develop a pill reminder & medication tracker mobile app and build a medication tracking app.

So, whether you are a healthcare enthusiast, a tech-savvy entrepreneur, or a healthcare professional willing to embrace the promise of mobile app technology, join us as we go on this quest in developing a medicine reminder and join the pill reminder app development process.

Let’s explore the essential stages and best practices that will enhance your app’s functionality, usability, and overall impact on healthcare management. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of persons attempting to care for their health and fitness by developing health and wellness apps.

Stats & Facts About Medication Reminder Mobile Apps

Here are some data and facts concerning the medicine timer app:

Stats About Medication Reminder Mobile Apps

  • The number of medicine delivery Apps accessible is rising rapidly. In 2014, there were an estimated 1,500 medication reminder applications available. By 2023, this number is anticipated to reach 5,000.
  • The majority of medication reminder mobile apps are free to download and use. However, a selection of paid apps is also available, frequently offering more features and capabilities.
  • Medication reminders for persons with chronic ailments, such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension, most extensively use mobile apps. However, prescription reminders are also utilized by patients who take multiple prescriptions or have difficulty remembering to take their pills on schedule.
  • Studies have revealed that medication reminder mobile apps can boost drug adherence. In one study, participants who used a medication reminder mobile app were more likely to take their tablets on time than those who did not use an app.

The most prominent functions of medication reminder smartphone apps include:

  1. The potential to create a medication reminder app for medication doses
  2. The ability to track drug intake
  3. The ability to save pharmaceutical information The ability to exchange drug information with people
  4. Some medication reminder smartphone apps may offer other function
  5. The competence to give instructive knowledge concerning medications
  6. The ability to connect with mobile healthcare services
  7. The ability to track health metrics

How Do Pill Reminder Apps Work?

Apps for daily pill reminders are created to assist users in effectively managing their medication schedules. They function by sending users timely and personalized reminders to take their drugs.


Here is how they typically operate:

1. User Input

When users first install the pill reminder app, they must enter essential details about their medication schedule. This information includes the medication’s name, dose, frequency of administration and any particular instructions given by the healthcare professional.

Some applications might additionally request other information, such as the time of day the user prefers to take their medications.

2. Setting Up the Regiment

The app creates a personalized medication regimen based on the information provided by the user. This schedule outlines the precise times the user must take each pill and the number of days the medication must be taken.

3. Push Notifications & Alarms

After the schedule is created, the software notifies the user via push notifications or sets off alarms on their smartphone at the specified times. The user will receive these notifications as reminders to take their medication.

Push Notifications & Alarms

4. Snooze & Customization

Most apps for pill reminders include options for customization. Both the appearance of the message and the alarm’s tone or sound are customizable by the user. Additionally, if users cannot take medication on time, certain apps may not allow them to snooze sleep reminders.

5. Logging & Tracking

Many apps have functions that let users record when they’ve taken their prescriptions. This application aids users in monitoring their compliance with the recommended regimen and might help share data with medical professionals during follow-up appointments.

Want to Build a Medication Tracker App for your Business or as a Dedicated Project

What are the Benefits of a Pill Reminder Mobile App?

Mobile pill reminder apps provide users with several advantages, improving the effectiveness and simplicity of medication management.

Benefits Of A Pill Reminder Mobile App

The following are some of the benefits of the medication tracker app:

  • Improved Medication Adherence

Giving immediate reminders to take medicines and online medicine delivery pill reminder applications significantly improve medication adherence. Users are less likely to forget to take their medication, ensuring they follow their prescription regimens more frequently.

  • Reduced Health Risks

Taking drugs consistently and on time with the help of digital health solutions helps prevent missed doses, lowering the chance of consequences or health difficulties brought on by untreated conditions.

  • Customized Schedules

These programs construct unique medication schedules based on the user’s particular prescriptions, ensuring that reminders align with their needs and dose parameters.

Customized Schedules

  • Enhanced Safety

Some apps that remind you to take medicine give medical information, such as possible side effects and interactions. This encourages people to pay attention to their prescriptions and exhibit caution when taking various medications.

  • Convenience & Flexibility

Users can build a variety of drug schedules within the app, making it simpler to manage medicines taken at different times of the day or in complex pharmaceutical regimens.

  • Snooze Functionality

Most pill reminder applications feature a snooze option that lets users remove the reminder if they cannot take their prescription at the planned time.

Reports can be shared with healthcare experts during appointments for better monitoring and modifications, if necessary, thanks to the tracking and reporting tools that allow users to monitor their drug adherence over time.

  • Assistance for Caregivers

Caregiver apps can be shared with family or friends to add assistance and responsibility for persons who require help managing their prescriptions.

Features of Medicine Reminder App Development

Medication management solutions incorporate several features to increase patient adherence and drug delivery. The following are frequent features of prescription tracking apps:


  • Medications Taken in

Users can input information about their prescriptions, including the name of the medication, the suggested dosage, how frequently it should be taken, and any other instructions their doctor may have provided. The E-Prescription software provides a unique schedule for each prescription, defining the hours and days users must take them.

  • Notifications & Reminders

Users are more likely to take their prescriptions on time if they receive timely reminders.

  • Information About Medications

Many applications provide a database of pharmaceuticals with details on each one’s use, anticipated harmful effects, and drug interactions.

Information About Medications

  • Tracking & Logging

Users can choose to log when they take their drugs, enabling them to track their adherence over time and providing healthcare experts with crucial information.

  • Reminders About Missed Doses

If a user forgets to take a dose, the app may send them extra messages or reminders to remind them to take the medication as soon as possible. If users can’t take their medication at the designated time, they can use the snooze option to delay the reminder for a short while.

  • Refill Reminders

Some services offer users refill reminders to ensure they don’t run out of medication. Users may be able to exchange information with their doctors regarding how effectively they are taking their drugs through connecting with healthcare providers or electronic health record (EHR) systems, boosting monitoring and care.

  • User profiles

Users can add essential information; the app will employ this information to tailor each user’s reminders and notifications.

User profiles

  • Support from Family & Carers

App users can discuss their prescription schedules with their loved ones or caretakers to enhance support and accountability.

  • Offline Functionality

Ensuring that the program continues to run even when the user’s device is not connected to the internet allows it to do so in various conditions. Effective data security processes are required to preserve user privacy and secure sensitive health information.

  • Support for Multiple Languages

A broader user base can use a product if support for multiple languages is supplied. Users can personalize an app by adjusting the themes, notification graphics, and reminder tones to meet their tastes. Users can make reports, export their data on medication adherence, and share such reports with healthcare experts or keep them for their records.

Steps of Pill Reminder App Development

Medication tracking App development includes several critical components to ensure its operation, usability, and efficacy.

Steps of Pill Reminder App Development

Here is a breakdown of the methods needed for healthcare software development:

  • Market Analysis & Preparation

  1. Perform market research to understand further the target market, rivals, and existing pill reminder apps.
  2. Determine the features and unique selling propositions (USPs) to make your app stand out.
  3. To build a medicine reminder app, make a clear plan, including the app’s development aims, target market, features, and timeframe.
  • Functions & Functionality Definition

  1. The app’s essential functions, such as medication input, scheduling, reminders, tracking, and notifications, should be identified.
  2. Consider extra features like healthcare provider integration, synchronization, and prescription information.
  • Design & User Experience (UX)

  1. Develop an intuitive, user-friendly app design that responds to the intended audience’s needs.
  2. An intuitive user interface and unambiguous visual cues for medication scheduling and reminders should be highlighted.
  • Technology Stack

  1. Select the suitable framework, database, and programming language for the project creation.
  • Development

  1. Start the app’s development by setting the database and backend to manage user data and schedules.
  2. Employ front-end development to construct the user interface and ensure seamless user interactions.
  3. Push notification systems should be connected to give consumers timely reminders.
  • Testing

  1. Conduct extensive testing to identify and address any defects, malfunctions, or usability issues.
  2. Conduct functional, usability, and compatibility testing on diverse hardware and operating systems.
  • Privacy & Security

  1. Adopt security measures to protect user data and ensure respect for data privacy legislation.
  2. For critical information, such as prescription information and user credentials, apply encryption.
  3. Release a beta version of the software to a restricted number of users for testing and feedback.
  4. To improve the app and make the appropriate modifications, collect user feedback.
  • Activation & Deployment

  1. Get ready for the official appearance of the app in app stores (like the Apple App Store and Google Play Store).
  2. Make that the app satisfies the prerequisites and standards set out by the platform.
  • Marketing & Promotion

  1. Create a marketing plan to advertise the app and engage with the target market.
  2. Utilize various marketing methods, such as social media, app reviews, and collaborations.

Best Practices for Notifications in Medication Tracker App Development

Effective notification management is essential when doing medication management app development to ensure users get timely reminders and stick to their prescription schedules. For incorporating notifications in a medicine tracker app, use these best practices:

Best Practices for Notifications in Medication Tracker App Development

  • Preferable Notification Timings

Customers can specify their preferred notification timings by their daily and pill schedules. User engagement may be increased by personalization choices like selecting notification tones and vibration patterns.

  • Explicit & Educational Content

Make sure notification messages are concise, clear, and contain pertinent information, such as the name of the prescription, the recommended dosage, and any special instructions.

  • Regarding Time Zones

Consider the various time zones if your app has a global user base. To prevent confusion, notifications should be sent according to the user’s local time zone.

  • Consistency & Regularity

Keep a regular notification schedule to help consumers form a habit. Users may become frustrated and disengaged if notifications are inconsistent or too frequent. Include a snooze option so users can temporarily stop receiving reminders if they need to take their medication. Set restrictions, though, to avoid misuse of this feature.

Medication Tracker App Development

  • Missed Dose Reminders

Send follow-up reminders if a user misses a dose to encourage prompt medicine intake. These reminders can be made more urgent or have a new sound to get the user’s attention.

  • Offline Notification Handling

If the user’s device is offline during the scheduled notification time, provide a way to store pending notifications locally and deliver them once the device reconnects to the internet.

  • Request User Consent

Request user consent before sending notifications, and allow users who would not utilize this feature to stop receiving reminders. Respect the user’s privacy and refrain from being obtrusive or sending out too many notifications.

Only reminders for taking medications and essential updates should be provided via push notifications. Allow users to see their previous notifications in the app, giving them access to a medication adherence history.

  • Test & Improve

To ensure notifications function consistently, test them on various hardware and operating systems. Track analytics and user comments to enhance notice delivery and user experience.

  • User Instruction

To assist users in adequately configuring and managing their notification choices, offer in-app lessons or guidelines. Users should know the value of following their medication regimen and the advantages of utilizing the notification feature.

Read More: Top 9 Medicine Delivery Apps in 2023

5 Top Pill Reminder Apps

The top 5 pill-reminder applications are listed below, along with a brief overview of each:

1- MediSafe


One of the most well-known apps for medication remembrance is MediSafe. It is user-friendly and includes many capabilities, such as creating reminders, monitoring medicine use, and communicating prescription information to others. Additionally, MediSafe provides access to educational resources regarding drugs and a network of healthcare professionals.

2- Walgreens


The pharmacy chain Walgreens also provides another well-known medication reminder app called Walgreens. Users of the app can add their prescription drugs to a database maintained by Walgreens, set reminders, and monitor medication intake. Through the app, Walgreens also provides a refill reminder service.

3- Dosecast – Pill Reminder & Med


A medicine reminder app with several capabilities, such as the ability to schedule reminders, measure medication intake, and make personalized medication plans, is called Dosecast – Pill Reminder & Med. A drug interaction checker and the option to share prescription information with others are further features of Dosecast.

4- Pill Reminder & Med Tracker


Pill Reminder and Med Tracker is a straightforward and user-friendly medication reminder app. Users can track their medicine use, add new prescriptions, and create reminders. A drug interaction checker is another feature of Pill Reminder and Med Tracker.

5- EveryDose: Medication Reminder


Medication Reminder includes several functions, such as setting reminders, monitoring medicine intake, and making personalized prescription plans. Additionally, EveryDose provides a tool for sharing prescription information with others and a checker for drug interactions.

These are only a handful of the several drug remembrance apps offered. When selecting a medicine reminder app, it’s crucial to consider your wants and tastes. The software’s features, simplicity, and price are a few things to consider.

Medication Tracker Mobile App

Medication Reminder App development cost

Read Also: On-Demand Medicine Delivery App Development Cost and Features

The Creation of Medication Management Apps

The price of creating a medication management app depends on several elements, including complexity, functionality, platform (iOS, Android, or both), design, development team rates, and location.

The Creation of Medication Management Apps

The following are some crucial cost considerations:

  • UI/UX design App

The app’s user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design are crucial to its success. The cost will vary depending on the design’s complexity and the experience level of the participating designers.

  • Development Team

The cost will vary according to the development team’s size and level of expertise. Try to hire mobile app developers so that, the product obtained is of good quality.

  • Features & Functions

An app’s development cost is influenced by the number and complexity of its features. Simple features cost less, such as tracking and prescription reminders. Price increases, on the other hand, are brought on by more complex services like communication with medical experts or access to pharmaceutical information databases.

  • Platform

It will typically be less expensive to design the program for just one platform rather than iOS and Android.

  • Backend Development

User data and notifications are controlled by the backend architecture, which consists of databases and server settings. The overall cost will depend on how complicated the backend is.

  • Third-Party Integrations

The price of developing an app may increase if it needs to connect to third-party services or APIs (such as databases for prescription drugs or push notification systems).

  • Quality Control

To ensure that the program runs as planned and is error-free, extensive testing and quality control are required. If you want to produce a stable app, you must allocate money for testing.

  • Security

Adding security measures and adhering to relevant regulations may raise the price of a product if an application uses sensitive user data (such as health information).

Consider the ongoing expenditures associated with fixing defects or enhancing the product’s capabilities. Creating a simple medication-tracking app can cost several thousand dollars, but it might cost tens or even hundreds of thousands to create more complex software packed with features.

Risks & Challenges of Building a Medication Tracker Application

To ensure the app’s success and its users’ safety, several dangers and problems must be adequately addressed while building a medicine tracker application. Among the most significant dangers and difficulties are the following:

Risks & Challenges of Building a Medication Tracker Application

  • Protection of User Information

Managing private and sensitive health data presents substantial privacy and security challenges. To protect user information, it is essential to ensure reliable data encryption, secure data storage, and compliance with pertinent data protection laws (such as HIPAA).

  • Medical Reliability & Accuracy

Accuracy is required when sending reminders and medication information. As flaws in drug information, dosages, or combinations could significantly affect users, the app must be created to prevent such mistakes.

  • User Adherence & Compliance

Motivating users to follow their drug regimes continuously might take much work. It must be fun and easy to use to encourage users to use the app frequently and take their prescriptions as directed.

  • Regulatory Compliance

Depending on the nation or region, the app may be subject to specific restrictions if it offers medical advice or information. Healthcare rules can be difficult and time-consuming to comply with.

  • User Experience & Design

A medicine tracking app must have a simple, user-friendly design. User dissatisfaction and app abandonment might be caused by poor design or unclear navigation.

  • Technical Difficulties

Technical difficulties can arise when integrating with external databases, healthcare systems, or third-party APIs. It may be necessary to carefully prepare and conduct testing to ensure seamless functionality and data synchronization.

  • Different OS & Devices

Compatibility with different operating systems and devices is necessary for the software, which may necessitate substantial testing and optimization.

  • Management of Notifications

A medicine tracker app’s ability to deliver precise and timely notifications is essential. Problems, like missed or delayed alerts, may affect the app’s effectiveness.

Why Medication Tracking App is Important?

A drug tracking app is necessary for various reasons, providing essential benefits to patients and healthcare systems alike:

Why Medication Tracking App is Important

  • Proper Medication Schedules

Medication tracking applications assist users in adhering to their recommended medication schedules by providing regular reminders and notifications. Better treatment outcomes and a lower risk of medical problems are produced by improved adherence.

  • Medication Error Prevention

These apps assist users in avoiding medication errors and ensuring safe usage by giving accurate information about medications, dosages, and potential interactions.

  • Chronic Disease Management

Tracking apps simplify Pharmacy management for people with chronic disorders that call for several drugs, making it simpler to tackle demanding treatment regimens.

  • Medication Safety

Numerous tracking applications provide details about pharmaceuticals, including adverse effects and safety measures. Users can be educated about potential adverse effects and exercise caution.

  • Collaboration Between Users & Healthcare Professionals

Some apps enable users to exchange information about their drug adherence with healthcare professionals, fostering improved dialogue and more informed choices during consultations.

Arka Softwares’ Expertise in Medication Reminder App Development

Arka Softwares is wholly committed to creating cutting-edge and approachable medication reminder apps. Arka’s fundamental philosophy is that technology can empower people to improve their health and general well-being.

The accomplishments of the company including Medisafe, Round Health, and Mango Health, attest to its experience developing medication reminder apps. Millions of people worldwide have trusted these applications, which have become popular.

Customers who choose Arka Softwares to construct their medicine reminder app may anticipate a flawless user experience with an intuitive, user-friendly design that appeals to people of varying tech-savvy levels. Data security and privacy for users are of the utmost importance, and Arka Softwares uses the most recent security technologies to protect sensitive data.

One of its key advantages is its ability to scale. Arka Softwares creates applications supporting a large user base without sacrificing performance or user experience.

The Arka Softwares staff is committed to providing outstanding customer service. They are dedicated to providing clients with the best support and direction possible throughout development. They value open communication and work closely with clients to fully comprehend their objectives before providing a solution that is specifically tailored to meet those goals.

Arka Softwares is a great option for anyone looking for a dependable and knowledgeable mobile app development firm to produce a high-quality medication reminder app. The team at Arka can have a good effect on the health and well-being of app users thanks to their extensive expertise, devotion, and passion.

Clients who work with Arka Softwares can anticipate seeing their vision for a successful medication tracking app come to life and even outperform it.

Medication Tracker app development services


Careful planning and a systematic approach are necessary to ensure the success and efficacy of a mobile pill reminder and medication tracker software.

Developers can produce a dependable and user-centric app by adhering to essential procedures, including market research, defining features, user-friendly design, solid backend development, and comprehensive testing.

The significance of medication adherence cannot be emphasized, and a well-designed app can help users follow their drug regimens, thereby considerably improving their health results.

Improved medication management and general health are made possible by features including tailored timetables, punctual reminders, drug information, and user tracking.

Satyam Chaturvedi

Satyam Chaturvedi is a Digital Marketing Manager at Arka Softwares, a leading app development company dealing in modern and futuristic solutions. He loves to spend his time studying the latest market insights.

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Client Testimonials

Mayuri Desai

Mayuri Desai


The app quickly earned over 1,000 downloads within two months of launch, and users have responded positively. ARKA Softwares boasted experienced resources who were happy to share their knowledge with the internal team.

Abdullah Nawaf

Abdullah Nawaf


While the development is ongoing, the client is pleased with the work thus far, which has met expectations. ARKA Softwares puts the needs of the client first, remaining open to feedback on their work. Their team is adaptable, responsive, and hard-working.

Pedro Paulo Marchesi Mello

Pedro Paulo Marchesi Mello

Service Provider

I started my project with Arka Softwares because it is a reputed company. And when I started working with them for my project, I found out that they have everything essential for my work. The app is still under development and but quite confident and it will turn out to be the best.
