How much does it Cost to Develop an On-demand Babysitting App?

Updated 24 Nov 2022
Published 09 Jun 2021
Rahul Mathur 3127 Views

Have you thought of the plight of those parents when they have to juggle work and children? Are the parents having difficulty in finding a nanny or babysitter in need of an hour? Are the Nannies/babysitter employed for their trust and the skill which help the children engage at home?

There are sets of questions in our heads that pop up like popcorn in the pressure cooker because Parents are not willing to trust any Nanny who is provided with a tap on their phone at their home or work.

The answer is simple we haven’t created an ecosystem for both parents and nannies or babysitters, which is why there is a lack of understanding and trust.

The recent babysitter survey by has proven that 64% of people don’t trust using the services because they are afraid to put their kid with a stranger.

For the ones who are wishing to start an application, consult a Babysitter App Development Company that understands your requirements.

Babysitting Application Development

Why a Babysitting App?

Every parent is willing to spend their maximum time with kids at home and there are social and professional responsibilities that also need to complete.

Nowadays, every parent has to struggle to find a nanny/babysitter whom they can put faith in and leave their child when they are away for work. It is the upcoming emerging market that has already become diverse with services provided to parents and nannies/babysitters. 

According to a recent report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job growth for babysitters is projected to be by 7% from 2016 to 2026 which means there are a lot of growth opportunities on the way for the babysitting agencies.

Market Proposition

With the rapidly changing world, we are more focused on careers and the workforce, challenging upcoming opportunities, and desiring a better future for our kids. However, it takes a detour because we haven’t yet prepared ourselves that is hustle between children and work. 

Babysitting Application Development

According to Statista, there is only 0.4 percent of popularity in parenting and 0.96 percent for families. It shows a small number in comparison to other applications present in the market.

And, there are nearly 181 applications in the market, at least Google Play, but there are less than 50k downloads on their applications. It shows that the market is still investing in it because there is not any potential company that is still able to put itself personally in the place of parents and realize its trust in the services.

Each company focuses on scaling the business without strengthening the core which results in these undesirable results. Other reasons might be such functionality in their application or inconvenient design.


Most Popular Babysitting Apps

Top Babysitting Apps


This Sydney-based application lets parents search for babysitters/nannies nearby their homes and connect them to make their contact feasible.

Kindy Babysitting App

The founder has also led an option for parents to share nannies which means that if parents of both respective children share the same parenting philosophy and working hours.

2. Care

The application has already its roots in 20 states of America as well as other countries. Here, the parent posts a job with a time for the nanny/babysitter.

care Babysitting App

Besides that, parents can also search for nannies according to their educational background and skills and include work in the job such as dog walking and help in the homework of their child.

3. Helpr

In less than three hours, they would find you a nanny/babysitter, it has been their nature of the company.

Helpr babysitting app

Sometimes, it’s hard to find anyone in the specific time frame for the child and put their sole trust in them. Now, Helpr does ID verification, interviews them personally, and regularly checks on the profile of their babysitters/nannies.

4. Hello Sitter

The Company has set some strict rules for their Nannies/babysitters that leave no stone unturned in terms of children’s safety.

Hello Sitter babysitters app

The service verifies the information submitted, interviews them personally, and asks for three references which are also verified later in the process.

5. Bubble

It’s a London-based application that uses social communication in the community and uses the social media platform to connect parents with nannies/babysitters that their friends and neighbors trust.

Bubble Babysitting App

It also gives freedom to nannies to choose their pricing, in addition, the platform doesn’t charge them. Both parties can review and rate each other.

cost to develop nanny finder mobile application

MVP will maximize the chance of success

Minimum Viable Product makes you understand the minimum features required to launch an application, test it with existing users around a region, and make updates when it needs to improve the services.

Before developing it, you need to think of one thing at least that makes your product unique and stands out in the plethora of other babysitting applications.

Focusing on users will provide you with a look into the requirement and gaps which you can fill up with your application. Before putting in new features, you must look into making the main features seamless concerning user experience and try to keep experimenting to find an alternative if it provides a better facility and services to parents.

Whom you bring First-Parents or Babysitters?

When you are starting this company, you have thought thoroughly about the parents and nannies. If there are enough parents on your babysitter finding applications, but there are only countable nannies in your service, parents would switch to another to find the aids we surely don’t want.

Here, we have to focus on parents because they are the ones who require our services and provide value to the company. But, that doesn’t make any less for nannies/babysitters, if you don’t have them, parents will not download the application.

Simply, you need a strategy that doesn’t let parents switch to another; they continue to use your services.  

Babysitting app development

How one can invest and earn a profit

Firstly, it begins with your strategy of putting your business into the market and making it visible. The more people join your community, the larger the profit you make. You should invest highly in the marketing of your application so that parents can know about the services and download them. But, there are a few ideas to earn profit:

  • To provide the parents with monthly or weekly services as per their requirements. And, you can charge the nannies/babysitters for verification profiles.
  • To tie up with a company in your district, charge them, and provide free service to their employers.
  • To add advanced features which needed to subscribe weekly or monthly for some amount.
  • To advertise the products of companies who sell baby products and earn a commission.

How to change temporary users into potential customers

We all have discussed that parents feel uneasy and uncomfortable first with an idea of a stranger in the proximity of their child, and we have to minimize the fear to turn into potential customers. There are few strategies that will surely subside the current situation.  

Babysitting Application Development


For those who have purchased your services before, you must ask them to review the babysitter and nannies in three to four lines. It would add extra information and personal experiences of the user. 

Background Check:

Parents are also eager to see the background of the person they are hiring for their child and its safety because it gives them a sense of satisfaction and belief. The background check should certify by government authorities that are trusted.

Instant Customer Care Support:

It is necessary because it’s how parents can talk with someone in the company and put their problems and solutions sometimes. Customer Care Services should be fast so that any action or help can be put forward with the priorities on them.

General Features of On-Demand Babysitter App

You should design an application with only MVP features that are most viable in terms of use and test them with data to find glitches in the system early and make no mistakes post-development of the application, which might cost you extra money from your pocket.  

Check everything about the on-demand babysitter application development that gives you pride in your work, then the post-production launch would surely provide satisfaction with user reviews and recommendations. The more seamless the user experience you would provide to parents the better.

User Panel Babysitter Panel Admin Panel
  • Social media Login
  • Manage Bookings
  • Chat with Babysitters
  • View All Babysitter with hourly rate & ratings
  • Giving Ratings & Reviews
  • Real-Time Booking & Scheduled Booking
  • Track Babysitter
  • Babysitters handling requests
  • Register
  • Status Updation
  • Accept/Reject Appointment
  • View Payment Details
  • Start Appointment
  • Manage Availability in Calendar
  • Live Status Tracking
  • Customer Review
  • Check Daily & weekly Earning
  • View User Details & Requested Service
  • Chat with multiple customers who started to chat
  • Edit assigned Time
  • Change Availability
  • Accept or Decline Booking Requests
  • View & Edit Profile

  • User Management
  • Dashboard Management
  • Notification Module
  • Report generation & Weekly Statement
  • Manage Ratings & Reviews
  • Support
  • Manage payments
  • View Users/Babysitter History
  • Babysitter Management
  • Manage Earnings & Commissions
  • Service Module


on-demand babysitting app development

Features for Parents

  • Push Notifications Feature is a real-time feature that updates the user in real-time if there is anything new such as offers, availability in the location, and successful transaction.
  • The availability feature is necessary to let users know when the babysitter or nannies are available. You can also tell when they have an empty slot.
  • Sign In gives an individual user identity of their own in the nanny-finding applications. Verification is the next step to build assurance in the ecosystem so that it provides an extra layer of security.
  • Customer Chat Service is a must to keep touch for parents to be in touch with you. It should be high-priority assistance because it shows your approach toward a problem and how you choose to act soon.
  • View History is needed to know about the past hired nannies or babysitters and the time slots for which users booked. It gives them an insight into how they are using your services.
  • Cost Estimation is a necessary feature that gives users flexibility and freedom to choose and analyze the amount they are paying in return for their aids.
  • Online Payment is a fast mode of payment option in the market these days and it’s hassle-free. Always ask users for saving their card details because it gives the user satisfaction that they are making a safe transaction in your company.

ewallet app development

  • Booking/scheduling Features should be seamless, easy to use, and convenient design so that parents have no difficulty in using them. The lesser features on a single screen the better.
  • Live Tracking is a resource you should provide to build trust in your users it is also a must because parents should be able to look at any time to see what child is up at the moment and safe.
  • Viewing the Profile of the respective Nannies and babysitters shows that you are caring about them as well as the parents. There should be a verification mark and reviews on there to let parents know them better.

Features for Nannies/Babysitter

There should also be nannies and babysitters management profiles so that anyone can opt for your services. Moreover, your customers should never be put on the waiting list because it gives them a chance to opt out of services and finds another one. 

There should be minimum criteria for the selection of Nannies. Some companies prefer personal interviews to let them speak and show their capabilities.

Babysitting App

  • Register features should give them a chance to apply and see if they fit the criteria which you have set. Then, you can either verify them remotely or ask them for a personal interview.
  • Parents Information should be given to them such as an address, contact number, and name so that they can contact the parents if there are any problems.
  • The location should be the top priority because it saves time in searching for an address. Sometimes, it is hard to locate the address even if it’s correct. Building a feature makes it easy to find the home of the user.
  • Payment should be made instantly or in a small period to the nannies/babysitters because it builds overall trust in them. Also, you should show them the amount they paid in return for services. 
  • Availability feature should be there to provide nannies or babysitters to choose their time frame when they are available to provide the services to users.
  • Service history is an option in which they can look into their profile to know when and where they have recently provided the services. It is easy for them to track if they have previously assisted the same users.
  • Dashboard features that allow them to know their upcoming bookings, total earned amount, ID verification option, and analytics to check their progress and ratings.
  • Fast customer care should provide because it strengthens the business core. Besides, ease of communication builds trust in them the company.

Babysitting App

Essentials feature to include in Babysitting App

  • Background Check is necessary for nannies/babysitters for the safety of the children. Now, you can take help from a third-party company that provides the information on your hiring and verifies them in a matter of days. It builds faith in your company which results in new customers.
  • Social media verification is a must for both parties that should be mentioned on their respective profiles too.
  • ID Verification is necessary for both parties involved because it gives them basic information and details. For a better option, you can also hire a third-party company to verify them on your behalf.
  • Any References made by them from their previous should check that you should make their profile is checked so that parents can put belief in your company.

mobile app development

Factors affecting the Development cost of Application

Every company charges the cost of their services per hour, and it’s easy to put this into a requirement. Urban Sitter charges $10.33 for one child and $12.14 for two children, and it also provides a monthly subscription to parents at $19.15. Whereas, Hello Sitter charges the same services for $21 for one child, $23 for two children, and $26 for three or more children.

Some companies charge an extra commission for finding a suitable nanny for them. Other companies ask parents to buy a monthly subscription and offer two replacements if there is any problem. In India, Bangalore-based charges $135 to $200 a month, and another company named also provides the service for $135 a month.

What is the Cost of Developing an On-demand Babysitting Application?

The cost features depend on your choice of how you see fit and suitable for your users. It also depends upon how many features you are putting into your application, how better you are dealing with the complexities of the app development, and how seamless you are making your application concerning users.

However, the approximate babysitting app development cost would be around 10k US dollars which we have estimated with buying infrastructure for your business in the beginning. There might be extra charges you might have to pay the third party for their help in your services.


We all are well aware of the competition when there are so many companies for the same customer, but it shouldn’t deter you from your unique niche put into the market and experiment. It can seem that this customer base is still somewhere between choosing a service from a trusted babysitter app development company and being afraid of keeping their children in the hands of a stranger.

The suggestion would be before hiring any nanny/babysitter your company should first be satisfied by them because they are the ones spending the time with the child. Any previous irregularities against them should be carefully taken and reviewed. Face-to-face or online interviews and background checks are a must.

Before we end it here, the babysitting market would be worth 450 billion dollars in the industry by the end of 2026. It is the correct time when the market is booming that users are eager to try the service. 

Rahul Mathur

Rahul Mathur is the founder and managing director of ARKA Softwares, a company renowned for its outstanding mobile app development and web development solutions. Delivering high-end modern solutions all over the globe, Rahul takes pleasure in sharing his experiences and views on the latest technological trends.

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Client Testimonials

Mayuri Desai

Mayuri Desai


The app quickly earned over 1,000 downloads within two months of launch, and users have responded positively. ARKA Softwares boasted experienced resources who were happy to share their knowledge with the internal team.

Abdullah Nawaf

Abdullah Nawaf


While the development is ongoing, the client is pleased with the work thus far, which has met expectations. ARKA Softwares puts the needs of the client first, remaining open to feedback on their work. Their team is adaptable, responsive, and hard-working.

Pedro Paulo Marchesi Mello

Pedro Paulo Marchesi Mello

Service Provider

I started my project with Arka Softwares because it is a reputed company. And when I started working with them for my project, I found out that they have everything essential for my work. The app is still under development and but quite confident and it will turn out to be the best.
