PM | BA | Developers | Designers | QA
Of dedicated work
The platform may contain hundreds of services and millions of users; therefore, the platforms must have a user-friendly UX/UI and attractive design aesthetics.
This platform must allow both patients and hospitals to create profiles that allow hospitals to maintain their hospital details and patients to store their records.
Hundreds of services in the medical atmosphere could be overwhelming for patients in need. Therefore, smart sorting options help them to find their service instantly.
Patient data is essential for the treatment; therefore, a seamless data sync allows patients to move within hospitals and different departments with ease.
The platform deals with a lot of confidential data and information. I must be compliant with UAE laws.
Spitar is a whole new platform with new services. It should have a familiarity for optimum ease of access.
Spitar may require frequent scalability services due to its increase in demand. There should be flexibility.
We applied and received all the necessary compliances certifications for this platform to work flawlessly.
01With our designs wizards, we achieved an optimum level of simplicity that makes Spitar as friendly as social media platforms.
02For the development of Spitar, we used only those technologies that allow us infinite flexibility in the scalability department.